My Move to Papers 3 (End of Endnote Redux)

I was a big fan of Papers 2 as my manuscript and citation management software. After reading the early reviews of Papers 3, I was hesitant to upgrade and trepidatious about the future of the software. I went back and took another look at Sente, Mendeley, Endnote, and Zotero. In the end, I decided to stick with Papers.

Fortunately for me, despite the rocky start, the folks at Mekentosj have continued to work on Papers 3. About a month ago, I decided to make the transition from Papers 2 to Papers 3. This was not an easy decision, as changes in Papers 3 have forced me to revise major portions of my writing workflow. Although the transition was painful, I’m convinced what I have now is more robust and flexible than my previous system.

Over the next few weeks, I’ll write about my transition to Papers 3 (both Mac and iOS). I’ll cover the Papers 3 new interface, how I continue to leverage my Papers 2 data (despite the interface and data storage changes), and how I continue to integrate Papers 3 with Devonthink.

I hope you find my experience useful.