Searching PubMed, Google Scholar, and Research Gate with Launchbar

I have blogged about the custom Keyboard Maestro (KM)scripts I wrote to grab journal articles while reading scholarly information. Using these scripts, I merely highlight text in a PDF (usually a reference), invoke my KM script, and the PubMed or Google ScholarI now do the same thing using Launchbar Action Scripts. I set up three custom search templates in Launchbar’s Search Template Index:PubMed*Google Scholar*&btnG=&as_sdt=1%2C34&as_sdtp=Research Gate*Now, when I want to retrieve a reference, I merely highlight the reference in the  PDF I’m reading and hit the Shift Key twice–this tells Launchbar that I want to do something with the highlighted text–by hitting tab and then typing the first few letters of Pubmed, Google Scholar, or Research Gate, then hitting Return, I tell Launchbar to pass the search string on to the publication web site. In order to find PDFs, I often have to repeat a search on more than one site. Launchbar makes retrieving PDFs fast and efficient. Check it out.