Switching from SimpleNote to Notesy

In past entries I’ve written about how I rely on the combination of SimpleNote and nvALT to capture ideas, meeting notes, and more. I’ve been blissfully ignorant of the syncing issues between the two. I’ve had little problem with this combination, but apparently others have. 

When I read that Brett Terpstra (the architect of nvALT) will no longer support SimpleNote, I knew it was time to find an alternative. For me, the choice was between Notesy and Nebulous Notes. Since I need my SimpleNote replacement primarily as a pass-through and for quick mobile searches, I settled on Notesy. I’ll reserve Nebulous for more in-depth tasks.

I also learned that Brett recommends DropBox syncing for nvALT–so I’ve moved my nvALT Folder back to DropBox. I backed up my folder and followed Michael Schechter’s directions to make sure I suffered no data loss.

The total time to make the switch was about 10 minutes.

Meeting Workflows: Processing Meeting Notes and Discovering Linkages

It was a great deal of fun to join my friends, David Sparks - MacSparky, Katie Floyd, and Brett Terpstra (hosted by Dan Miller) on stage at MacWorld Live to discuss my Meeting Workflow. The session was webcast live from the MacWorld site. Following the session, I received many questions as to how I process my notes once they’ve been collected. Here is what I do…..

As I mentioned, I write and capture all my notes in Plaintext (using Drafts on my iPad and iPhone and nvALT on my Mac). I covered the way I capture ideas (IdeaX) using TextExpander. I use a similar method for capturing meeting notes (MeetX), chunks of writing (ScribbleX), quotations (QuoteX), and random thoughts (ThoughtX). Using Simplenote Notesy, I’m able to keep my notes on my iPad and iPhone in sync with my Mac. A single folder indexed by nvALT serves as the repository for everything, regardless of their content. In a pinch, I can search my notes on my iPad or iPhone using SimpleNote Notesy, but the true power of this workflow is realized when I return to my Mac.

I have alluded to my love of Devonthink Pro Office. I’m especially fond of DT's ability to find related notes using its artificial intelligence. For the purpose of this workflow, I have a single database that indexes three things: (1) my collection of manuscripts (from Papers2), (2) my web clippings, and (3) my nvALT notes. My web clippings are added directly to my DT database, but my Papers folder and nvALT folder are INDEXED, not imported into the same database. Indexing in DT is done by choosing File:Index… and navigating to the folder of interest on your computer (this is only during the initial set-up). You will have to manually update the index your folders each time you add new information. This is quick and simple– done by choosing the appropriate folder in DT and choosing File:Update Indexed Items.

When I’m writing (or searching for information), I can select a particular note and find all related information in my library-whether it’s a scholarly article, a newspaper clipping, a web site, or a note I’ve taken. Often times, DT finds linkages for me that weren’t readily apparent. This speeds my writing process immensely and makes me look like a magician to my peers. I hope it works for you too.

Appended March 2, 2013: Read this entry on why I switched from SimpleNote to Notesy.

Soulver for iPad

I've written about Soulver for my Mac–a notepad calculator that allows you to mix words and numbers. And now Soulver is available on the iPad. Soulver is my favorite app for budget and grant planning. I can jot down my ideas line-by-line. If I make a mistake, I erase a single line (rather than starting over). Because I can mix numbers, calculations, and words, I am able to reconstruct my thoughts days, months, or even years later. And since Soulver syncs through Dropbox, I can share my work between my Mac and my iPad. The iPad version is currently selling for $2.99.

MacWorld (Meeting Workflow Redux)

I've returned to North Carolina after a fun and rewarding trip to San Francisco. I had several productive days, starting with a MacWorld Panel with David Sparks, Katie Floyd, and Brett Terpstra (hosted by Dan Miller--Editor of Macworld Magazine). David covered how he brainstorms ideas, Katie covered a paperless workflow for bills, Brett covered how he wrangles his email efficiently, and I went over my Meetings Workflow.The session was webcast from the Macworld Live Stage. The session was well attended. I have no idea how many folks watched the live webcast, but have received tons of great feedback from all over the United States. It was a fantastic experience. Back to reality! (Dan escaped before we could get him in the picture).


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MacWorld, My Heroes, and Me

Academic life includes frequent presentations at professional meetings. As fate would have it, early next week I’ll be in Orlando presenting at the 2013 International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare.

But late in the week, I’ll be doing something completely new–joining three of my heroes on stage at MacWorld / iWorld. I was invited by Dan Miller, a MacWorld Host, to present with Brett Terpstra, Katie Floyd, and David Sparks in a moderated session covering professional workflows. I can’t wait.

Please join us Thursday at noon. I hope to see you there!

Meeting WorkFlows: Efficiently Capturing Meeting Notes

In academics, like every other corporate entity, meetings are a necessary evil.

I’ve tried all sorts of solutions for capturing notes and action items from my meetings. For many years, I would haul my MacBook Pro into the room, relying on a slew of software invoked through Launchbar.

Next, I transitioned to the cool LiveScribe Echo. The Achilles Heel of Smart Pen Technology for me, true to the physician stereotype, is that I have awful handwriting. Most of my handwritten notes were illegible. To make matters worse, sending handwritten notes to OmniFocus was a kludge.

Recently, I’ve been carrying my iPad + Zagg Folio to meetings. Although convenient and portable, I have continued to depend on a slew of software to capture my notes and to-dos. None of my methods were standardized; my notes would constantly get lost.

This inefficient workflow was why I was so interested in the 512 Pixel post, The Capture Form. The author developed a standardized PDF form to capture meetings. But that wasn’t what I found interesting. It was the very last line of the article, with a link to a TextExpander version of the form.

I riffed on his work and developed a new workflow for my iPad + Zagg that I’ve been trying out.

My workflow starts with setting up the following TextExpander snippet:

MeetX - Untitled - %Y-%m-%d at %H:%M












The first line automatically names the note as a meeting, appending the current date and time. I use the title "MeetX" to help me with search. I know if I search for MeetX I'll only see my meeting workflow notes (instead of every document that had Meet or Meetings). All that's left to do is fill in the title. Since I synchronize TextExpander between my Mac, iPad, and iPhone using DropBox, my snippet is immediately available on my all my devices.

The second part of the set-up involves OmniFocus and their Mail Drop service (note: in order for this to work you have to sync OmniFocus with the Omni Sync Server). If you haven’t done so, log onto the Omni Sync Server, and apply for the Mail Drop Beta (when I applied, I received my invite in a matter of minutes). Once accepted, you set up a unique email address that is your direct link to Sync Server. To learn more, check out the Omni Mail Drop story at MacSparky.

When I want to take meeting notes, on my iPad, with TextExpander running, I launch Drafts. I expand my snippet (in my case by typing “.mtg”), fill in a title, and am ready to go. If I’m preparing for a meeting in advance, I type in my reference material under the appropriate heading, then fill in the remaining fields during the meeting. Most days, I get started with my note taking immediately when I enter the room.

When the meeting is over, within Drafts, I forward my notes to Notesy Simplenote. Since I’ve set up Notesy to synchronize with NValt on my Mac (as I wrote about previously), my meeting notes are immediately available and searchable on all my devices.

If personal to-do items came out of the meeting, I have another step. From within Drafts, I select “forward to email,” type out a subject name, then email the note to my personalized Omni Mail Drop address. When I open OmniFocus, the item is waiting for me as an Action in my Inbox. Even cooler, the complete meeting text is available in the "Notes" field . If there are multiple actions embedded in the original meeting notes, I spend a few minutes processing the set into single unique actions.

An alternative: from within Drafts select "Send to Omnifocus as note" (of course you have OmniFocus installed on your iPad for this to work). Drafts will launch Omnifocus and the notes of your meeting will be placed in the appropriate section of a new action. The only thing left for you to do is type in the name of the action.

This workflow has helped me immensely. I now have an efficient, standardized, searchable, multi-device method for recording and retrieving my meeting notes.

I’m really excited about this workflow–I hope it works for you too. Let me know what you think.

Appended March 2, 2013: Read this entry on why I switched from SimpleNote to Notesy.

Workflow: Capturing Ideas

Ideas are my lifeblood. Whether ideas for writing projects, grants, or to-dos, I need a simple method to get the ideas out of my head and into my system. An idea might come to me during a meeting, in the car, or on a walk. My system has to be fast, ubiquitous, and flexible. The less thought I have to put into capturing my ideas, the better.

Over time, my workflow for capturing ideas has evolved. You won't be surprised my system revolves around plaintext.

Here is the software you'll need for this workflow (you may also want to read my previous entries on why I use plaintext, Launchbar, and Drafts):

TextExpander allows me to type short key combinations (called Snippets) that expand into words, phrases, or even pictures. I use TextExpander constantly to type things like my email address (.hm expands to my home email, .wm expands to my professional email). I use similar combinations for my home address, my city, state, and my email signature. TextExpander is available for iOS devices (called TextExpander Touch) and is integrated into an increasing number of iOS programs. Under preferences, I choose to keep TextExpander Snippets synchronized using DropBox. I highly recommend this--identical snippets are then available on your Mac, iPhone, and iPad only needing to be entered once.

One must also have nvALT - Notational Velocity Fork installed on your Mac. Notational Velocity Fork is a special version of Notational Velocity that was developed by the genius, Bret Terpstra. It allows me to create text notes seamlessly and has a lightning fast search function. nvALT launches and I just start typing. Whatever I type becomes the title of my new note (after I hit return) while simultaneously searching the nvALT database for matching text strings. Hitting return finalizes the title and move the cursor down to a full note area. It's very fast. You need to check three settings in nvALT. First, be sure to set the "Read from Notes" drop-down menu to your desired folder. I synchronize to my nvALT folder in DropBox. Second, under the "Synchronization" Tab, make sure SimpleNote synchronization is OFF. Finally, under the "Storage" Tab, make sure you're saving as plaintext (not as RTF or HTML). If you choose this set-up, you won't be able to encrypt the nvALT database, but the trade-off in accessibility for me is well worth the price.

Next, make sure you have Simplenote Notesy installed on your iPhone and iPad. Notesy is a note taking program that synchronizes between your Mac and iOS devices using DropBox. Make sure Notesy is configured to synchronize with your nvALT folder in Dropbox hierarchy. I use Notesy as a conduit and for searches, but I rarely use it for writing.

The final programs you'll need are Drafts for iPhone and Drafts for iPad. As I discussed in my previous entry, Drafts is my go-to note taking app and has a place on the coveted home-screen of both my iPhone and iPad. I can get information entered quickly. Only after the information is captured, do I need to decide where to route it. Drafts gives me dozens of possibilities that I can personalize to show or hide.

IDEAS WORKFLOW: when sitting at my Mac and and idea hits me I invoke Launchbar (hitting Command-Space), type nv then return--launching nvAlt. Depending on what the idea is, I use TextExpander snippets. For instance ".wix" automatically types the following: WiPPPx - Untitled - 2012-12-10. I have a similar snippet for project ideas ".idx" expands to IdeaX - Untitled - 2012-12-10, and many others as well. All I have to do is change the "Untitled" to something descriptive, hit return and start typing. My idea or writing snippet is captured to nvALT (and is thus searchable via Spotlight, nvALT, or any other search utility I prefer). Because I've set up synchronization these idea files are available on my iPhone or iPad regardless of location.

If i'm on my iPad or iPhone and want to capture an idea, I use Drafts. Once I've completed the thought (using typing or voice entry), I must enter a title. Since Drafts is TextExpander Touch enabled, I can use my same Snippets to name the idea to convention (make sure TextExpander is open on your iPad or iPhone for the text expansion to work). I then route the completed Drafts note to Notesy (via the Drafts interface). It is saved, synchronized, and available on all my devices, all the time.

I can then search and find single or multiple ideas using the nvALT search interface. If I type "IdeaX" in the nvALT search box, ALL my ideas are returned in neat order. If, instead, I'm searching for a specific idea, I can be more explicit with my search terms, finding related items or even a single item.

Although this workflow takes a bit of set-up, the payoff is immense. Over time, I have accumulated hundreds of potential projects, text snippets, and more using this method. Many of them would have been lost, had I not had a quick and convenient way to capture them.

I hope you find the workflow useful.

Appended March 2, 2013: Read this entry on why I switched from SimpleNote to Notesy.


Core Software for the Mac: Default Folder X

I use my computer and iPad many hours a day. There are a few core programs that have become so integral to my workflow, I’m lost without them. One of these programs is Default Folder X. Despite the mysterious name, it has become an essential part of my Mac-based workflows.Default Folder X combines folder navigation, OpenMeta tagging, and host of other features into a single, easy-to-use interface that interdigitates with the built-in Save Dialogue Box.The three features I use most commonly are the Recents Menu, OpenMeta tags, and the Favorites Folders.The Recents Menu keeps track of the places you’ve most recently saved information, allowing single-click access to your most recently saved-to folders.dialogue boxThe OpenMeta Tags box lets you tag files before saving them, sparing you the need to go back and label them at a later time (I’ll cover tagging in a later entry).openmetaI usually work on several concurrent projects. Using the Preference menu of the app, I can designate current project folders as “Favorites.” I can then open these folders through key combinations, greatly speeding up access to the information contained within.preferencesDefault Folder X is another program I use dozens of times each day. You can download a copy and try it yourself for 30 days at St. Clair Software’s website.

Core Software for the Mac: LaunchBar

Over the years, I’ve adopted several pieces of software that have completely altered the way I use my Mac. One of these is LaunchBar. LaunchBar is a "launch application" for Mac OS X, providing access to my applications, folders, and files by merely typing the first few letters of their name. For me, LaunchBar serves multiple purposes: a clipboard manager, an iTunes controller, a search tool, and a calculator all rolled into one. This allows me to access anything on my computer without lifting my fingers from the keyboard. I merely invoke LaunchBar using a key combination (I use Command-Space) and then type in the first few letters of what I want to do. LaunchBar returns the top hits in a small menu at the top of my screen. Out of the box, a Mac will launch Spotlight if you hit Command-Space. You have to turn this feature OFF in the Spotlight Preferences (in System Preferences). Spotlight Preferences You also have to designate the key combination you wish to invoke Launchbar in the Launchbar Preferences. LaunchBar Preferences In order to appreciate the broad range of possibilities with Launchbar, take a look at the Features. Even better, Download the free 30-day demo and work through the short Tutorial. I use Launchbar hundreds of times every day. I am literally lost on my computer without it. I will cover the other core pieces of software in future entries.

Writing Workflows: Processing Annotations (All Roads Lead to Skim)

One of the great things about the internet is its ability to enable collaboration--workflows are never static, each of us builds on the work of others to enhance our own productivity. After my last post, Writing Workflows: Capturing Annotations to Enhance Scientific Writing and Knowledge Retrieval, I received a boat-load of comments, suggestions, and links. Thanks!I suggest you take a look at an entry in Aleh Cherp's excellent Macademic blog. In a recent entry,  a guest author discussed  limitations with the built-in annotation tools of Papers, Sente, and Mendelay. His preference for annotating manuscripts is the open-source Skim. I've been playing with Skim recently (especially some of the post-annotation processing tools). I used Skim in the past, but curtailed my use in order to simplify my workflow (doing everything within Papers2). Despite the rich annotation tools in Skim, I set it aside because of the extra steps needed to make Skim highlights visible in Papers (and visa versa).As pointed out in the comments section of my last entry, the Achilles Heel of my annotation workflow is the need to separate my highlights / notes file by hand (Papers puts out a single aggregate file with all highlights and notes batched together). Although there are scripts available to send Papers2 notes to DevonThink Pro, I could never get them to work properly. I'm experimenting with a modification to my previous workflow--one that will significantly speed up the process:

  • I highlight and make notes in Papers2 on my Mac or iPad as I discussed in my last entry
  • When I've finished annotating, I make sure the most current version of the paper is synchronized back to my Mac. I then "Export PDF File and Media" from the File Menu in Papers2 and save to a convenient location (I use my Desktop). 
  • I then open the document saved to the Desktop in Skim and choose "Convert Notes" from the File Menu in Skim (this results in all the embedded notes being converted to Skim Notes).
  • I open and select the "Inbox" of my Literature Database in Devonthink (this is the location the script will save my comments).
  • With Skim still open, I run the following SKIM PDF Notes to DEVONthink script I downloaded here.
  • I return to my Inbox in Devonthink where I now have individual RTFs for each highlight or note. 
  • I insert my own comments (if I have any) in each RTF file and save each file. I ignore the link the script generates.
  • If I have a comment I plan to cut and paste directly into a future project, I append my comment with the Papers Citation Index.
  • In DevonThink, I highlight then drag and drop all the RTFs (but not the duplicate PDF of the paper) to the "Supplemental" Tab of the manuscript in Papers (this copies each RTF into the Paper folder hierarchy).
  • Finally, in Devonthink, I Index (the first time) or Update the Index (all subsequent times) - NOT IMPORT - the folder. 

The SKIM PDF Notes to DEVONthink script saves me quite a bit of time--I no longer have to parse my comments by hand. Happy writing!

Writing Workflows: Capturing Annotations to Enhance Scientific Writing and Knowledge Retrieval

As I mentioned in a previous post, reading and writing are central to my academic career. I am a voracious reader. I not only have to keep current in my clinical specialty, Anesthesiology, but also in my research areas, Simulation and Games Based Learning. Because of this, I’ve developed multiple workflows that make reading and annotating more enjoyable, efficient, and useful.I’ve mentioned my preference for Papers2 app to keep track of scientific publications. What I didn’t mention is that I’m a prodigious highlighter-it is not uncommon for me to mark up a single manuscript with dozens of highlights and notes. Keeping track of the information in manuscripts AND my thoughts about what I read used to be a real chore. Before Papers included highlighting, I had a complex workflow to accomplish this feat. Now it’s relatively simple.As I mentioned, when working with scientific literature, I like to batch operations. I go on paper collecting binges where I do little (if any) reading. Only after I’ve completed my collecting, is it time to read. I actually schedule time on my calendar to read, annotate, and synthesize ideas.This entry is about my annotation workflow–and how I use technology to speed up the process of retrieving concepts when writing and citing.I do most of my reading (and annotating) on one of two devices: my Mac or my iPad. I read so much, it’s hard to keep track of all the ideas. There are few things more frustrating than knowing I’ve read something, but being unable to find the source. This workflow alleviates the stress of finding relevant information in my library. But even more than that, using artificial intelligence in a tool called Devonthink, I can find links between concepts that were not initially apparent to me.This workflow has been a personal success. Before implementing this workflow, I could spend hours trying to track down an appropriate reference. Since implementing this workflow the same task takes seconds.I also wanted to thank Derek Van Ittersum (Kent State | blog) for inspiring me to polish this workflow–I had a chance to collaborate with Derek on the Mac Power Users 100 show.Programs needed:  

Setting Things Up

I’m assuming you’ve already installed DropBox on both your Mac and you iPad. As I discussed in a previous entry, I configure Papers save PDFs to a designated folder Dropbox. I set this up by navigating to the preference menu in Papers and designated my preferred folder you in Dropbox. I do this to have the PDFs in my Papers collection accessible from anywhere and by any tool.How Papers handles PDFsWithin the Papers preferences, I’ve configured Papers to launch a PDF in a new tab (using Papers itself, NOT an external PDF reader).Launch PDF within Papers


Papers on the Mac and iPad have built in highlighting tools (on the Mac, invoked by hitting the control key over highlighted text, or on the iPad by holding a finger down and dragging). As I highlight or make notes in Papers , a separate layer is created in the PDF that keeps track of annotation information. As I annotate, each highlight and note appears under the “Notes” tab in Papers.Notes Tab in PapersIf I find a paper I’d like to read that’s not in my library I copy and paste the title and author to my OmniFocus Inbox-to be gathered during a future collecting binge. This way I don’t interrupt what I’m doing.After I’m done highlighting and note taking, I write a single summary note that captures the essence of the paper. At this point I also tag the paper Papers Keywords. Once I’ve completed my summary, if I’ve been reading on my iPad, I synchronize the PDF back to Papers on my Mac. After syncing, the annotations I made on the iPad are available on the Mac (and visa versa). If I’ve been reading on my Mac, I don’t need to synchronize to perform the next step.Once the annotated PDF is in the Papers collection on my Mac, I go to File:Export:Notes within Papers (make sure the “export selected paper” is highlighted and RTF is selected) to export a Notes file to a folder on my Desktop. RTF format is important–Devonthink relies on it.Export Notes from PapersA limitation of Papers is that it can’t export each note or highlight separately–it dumps all my annotations into a single file. I open the file and cut and paste each individual note (that represents a single highlight) into its own file. I then comment on the highlighted passage. Finally, I use the “Magic Manuscript” feature of Papers (invoked by hitting my Option Key twice) to append the citation reference to each statement.Extracted Note with Magic Manuscript CitationFinally, I drag each RTF into to the “Supplemental Files” tab of the Papers. This saves each comment in a supplemental folder residing side-by-side with the manuscript in the Papers Dropbox hierarchy.Adding RTF to Supplemental Files in PapersThe next step of the workflow uses the “Indexing” feature of Devonthink Pro Office. Using Devonthink, it is possible to index (or reference) any folder on your hard drive. This makes the contents of PDFs and RTFs available to Devonthinks Artificial Intelligence without directly importing the information into a Devonthink Database.I created a Devonthink Literature Database that indexes (does not import) my Papers2 Folder. I did this the first time by opening the File:Index… Menu item in Devonthink and navigating to the Papers Folder in Dropbox. All subsequent updates are done by opening my Literature Database, highlighting the indexed “Papers2” Folder, and navigating to File:Update Indexed Items. Indexing can takes quite some time–be patient.Devonthink IndexingThis all sounds complicated, but trust me, it’s worth it. What this allows me to do is open Devonthink and find any statement, concept, or related item quickly. I can then cherry pick comments related to my search and paste them into a draft document with little modification.When I’m writing, I take all related concepts and paste all of them into a single card in Scrivener. This allows me to arrange, and rearrange information to help support my argument. Because I took the time up front to include the Magic Manuscript Index from Papers, no further searching or citation work is needed, until I’m ready to format my bibliography.Scrivener for iOS is under development–it is likely my workflow will change when it is released. Instead of using Scrivener, one might consider using Tinderbox –Derek’s tool of choice or the newly announced Scapple (by the makers of Scrivener). I will cover the next step of the writing process using these tools in an upcoming entry.


In this entry I’ve covered my annotation workflow and how I make use of my annotations when writing. Using Dropbox, I can access my highlighted manuscripts from anywhere. Using a combination of Papers and Devonthink I can make use of my annotations saving me countless hours of time when writing.

Scapple - Scrivener's little brother now in beta

I am a frequent reader of David Sparks blog MacSparky. I found a link to a new piece of software by the folks at Literature and Latte (developers of Scrivener). Scrivener is a fantastic piece of software for writing and an essential  tool in my writing productivity arsenal--I'll write about how I use it soon.  Scrivener's new little brother is Scapple--a brainstorming application now in beta. Scapple allows you more flexibility in capturing and organizing your ideas than traditional mind mapping software.You can read about and download the Scapple beta here.

Writing Workflows: Collecting Information in Papers2 (MacPowerUsers Show 100)

I had a great time as a guest on David Sparks and Katie Floyd’s milestone MacPowerUser Show 100 yesterday. Their podcast has been a staple on my iPod and iPhone for years. To celebrate they invited 10 guests to discuss workflows in their professional lives. Over the past several years, I have learned an incredible amount from Katie and David. It was nice to be able to give something back.I had the pleasure of discussing a portion of my writing workflow–how I get information into my academic research library-Papers2. I’ve talked about why I use Papers in a previous entry. If you’re not familiar with Papers you should read my previous post first. Go ahead. I’ll wait.——————————- Okay, welcome back.When tackling a new writing project I pass through several stages:

  1. collecting
  2. organizing
  3. reading
  4. synthesizing
  5. citing

The workflow I covered on the MacPowerUsers had to do with collecting information. I usually obtain scientific literature in one of three ways:

  • as a recipient of an Endnote library (when writing collaboratively)
  • through personal searches on the web
  • as an attachment to a colleague’s email.

I’ll cover each of these contingencies below.Endnote still has quite a foothold in academics. I often find my collaborators have not yet made the switch to Papers. Many times, when writing collaboratively, we must share libraries between the two applications (Endnote and Papers). Fortunately Papers can import (and export) Endnote libraries seamlessly (as long as they’re in Endnote XML format). Easy and no need for a workflow!However, the other two situations are more complex (searching myself or receiving attachments to emails) and require a workflow–making use of the wonderful program called Hazel. Hazel monitors folders on my computer and acts on individual files according to rules I create. Hazel can even peek at the content of files and “recognize” what's inside. I have Hazel monitoring about a dozen folders on my Mac, but my Downloads Folder keeps Hazel the busiest. I have about two dozen rules running on my Downloads Folder alone.For this particular writing workflow I ask Hazel to look at the contents of every PDF in my Downloads Folder and match files that have words unique to scholarly publications.I’ve found having Hazel search for the word “References” within each PDF works the best. When a PDF whose contents contain the word “References” is matched, Hazel automatically launches Papers and imports the manuscript. While importing, Papers fetches metadata, renames the PDF to the convention I’ve specified, and files the manuscript in a specified hierarchy on DropBox–all automatically. Another preference in Papers erases the original file once it’s imported.I’ve tried other search words for Hazel including “abstract,” “methods,” “results,” and “discussion”–none work as well as references. Most every scholarly manuscripts has references (unfortunately, even the word “references” will not be 100% reliable–in a minority of publications, references will be called a "bibliographies" or "citations").You are probably wondering why I don’t just use the built in unified search window in Papers. My answer: it is faster and less frustrating to find full-text directly through our Library’s web page. Papers unified search will work through a fire wall (using proxy URLs in the search interface) – but it’s hit-or-miss whether a link in Papers will lead to a full-text article or merely a frustrating publisher’s login screen–most usually the latter. My hit rate is much higher on the web. I use Papers built-in search engine primarily to retrieve metadata (after the full text pdf has already been imported).When I’m collecting full-text articles I save EVERYTHING to my Downloads Folder and let Hazel do the rest. When she finds a match, she launches Papers and imports each manuscript without any additional effort on my part. Using this method, I can conduct my search for scholarly information with minimal interruptions - Hazel does the rest.Searching on my own is the most common way I get information into papers, but occasionally a colleague will mail me something they think I should read. For these situations here’s what I do. I have Hazel monitor my Mail Downloads folder (~/Library/Containers/com.apple.mail/Data/Library/Mail Downloads ) and copy EVERY attachment to my Downloads Folder (I do this for a host of reasons–not just publications–I’ll talk about why in a future entry) Once the paper is in the Downloads folder Hazel can work her magic using the rule mentioned earlier. Apple now hides the Library Folder by default. Here is a quick tutorial on how to find it on your hard drive (works for Lion or Mountain Lion).So there it is: how I use Hazel to speed up the collection of information when writing or researching. I hope it’s helpful to you. In a future entry I’ll talk about an emerging trend in research paper management: social networking.Cheers, Jeff

Drafts for iPad

I was talking to a colleague today about how I quickly capture notes on my iPhone and iPad. My goto app on the iPhone is Drafts (by Agile Tortoise). Drafts lets you get stuff out of your head and on to your device quickly. Once you've captured the information, you can decide what to do with it (e.g. send to Facebook, Twitter, save as a text file, Omnifocus, or a whole host of other possibilities). 

While Drafts was great on my iPhone, it wasn't available on the iPad--until now ($2.99 on the App Store). 
Drafts is now on the first screen of both of my iOS devices. Thanks Agile Tortoise!

Soulver-Budgets and Calculations Made Easy

In my various roles at Duke, I frequently develop budgets. These may be estimates for simulation training exercises, budgets for research proposals, or quick two or three variable calculations.

In the past, I'd build the preliminary budget on a piece of paper, then add each item up using my Mac's built-in Calculator app. If I felt really daring (and had time), I would develop an Excel Spreadsheet-but building the formulas often took more time than I was willing to spend. I longed for something more sophisticated than paper yet less complicated than Excel–then I found Soulver.

Soulver is a program developed by Zac Cohan and Nik Youdale of Sydney, Australia. Soulver let’s you type a free flow of ideas and numbers into a simple interface. The program is smart enough to extract the numbers and operations from your free text and do calculations for you.

I find this program invaluable when developing preliminary budgets for grants–I’m able to jot my ideas down quickly. If I make a mistake, I delete and re-write a line (rather than starting the calculation from scratch). When I’m satisfied, I send the Soulver file (or a PDF) to our Financial Management Coordinators who can develop our “official” budget. I also use Soulver when asked to do a quick cost projection or when jointly developing budgets with others.

The available operations are quite sophisticated and include: symbols, words, percentages, functions, variables, and more. It also understands 90 different currencies.

For $11.99 in the App Store, Soulver is fantastic bargain. If you want to take it for a spin, there is a 10-day free trial from the Acqualia web site.

Launch Center Pro + OmniFocus

After seeing this video, I immediately went out and bought Launch Center Pro for my iPhone-it's like "speed dial" for other apps.

To get an idea of how it works, consider the following example:

I frequently send text messages to my wife. Before Launch Center Pro I'd have to unlock my iPhone's screen, launch the iMessage app, click the address button, scroll down to my wife's name, then type my message. Bleh. Using Launch Center Pro, I push a single button and the app does the rest (launching the app, addressing the text message to my wife, and moving the cursor to the text input field).  I have similar buttons configured to launch and configure TweetBot (my favorite Twitter client), as well as entering new calendar items using Week Cal.

But perhaps the best use of Launch Center Pro is having it interface with OmniFocus--as explained by  Michael Schecter. After watching the following video, I was able to set up the Omnifocus actions within Launch Center Pro in about 10 minutes.


Papers by Mekentosj - the End of Endnote

Information is expanding at an astounding rate–according to the Economist growing tenfold every 5 years. In healthcare, a great deal of new knowledge is disseminated through peer-reviewed publications. Over the last 10 years, healthcare publication has changed from primarily paper based, to a blended model heavy on digital documents. Print journals remain for one reason only–to generate revenue for the publisher….ah, but I digress. 

Managing an electronic library of information in healthcare is a challenge. In addition to manuscripts one must keep track of online web pages, reports, news articles, and more.Twenty years ago, we would dedicate massive filing cabinets to keep track of our photocopied article library. With the advent of electronic publication, most of our information is now stored in a digital format–most commonly Adobe’s Portable Document Format (PDF).

I use my digital library in multiple ways:

  1. as a reference for my own learning and recall (either new developments in my field, or information I searched that was relevant to a particular patient’s care), 
  2. as a repository of documents I’ll wish to cite in things I’m writing (e.g. manuscripts and grant applications) 
  3. to share information with colleagues, friends, or learners that have similar interests.

I have collected several thousand articles. Without a robust and flexible retrieval tool, I would have a difficult time finding and refinding information that was important to me.

Ten years ago I used a product called Endnote. Although state-of-the-art at the time, its features seem sorely lacking today. Endnote organizes your articles in a digital database that makes article retrieval easier. Its primary function, and the feature that made EndNote popular with academics, was its ability to format bibliographies. Although Endnote could store PDFs in its database, it only allowed you to search fields of data ABOUT the article, not WITHIN the article itself. As digital publication became the norm, Endnote’s features remained relatively static, until, unfortunately it no longer met my needs.

I began searching for alternatives. For a while, I used a program called Sente. Sente was more powerful than Endnote and I especially liked its annotation tools, but it suffered from a steep learning curve and a non-intuitive and non Mac-like interface.

It was about this time a colleague introduced me to Papers by Mekentosj.The software, now in it’s second version, is truly amazing.

Some of the things Papers2 can do:

  • serve as a repository of knowledge for any digital academic document I keep in my library (and plan to someday cite)
  • accept 85 different document types (including articles, books, media, web pages, patents, reports, etc). 
  • organize my papers iTunes style–including Smart Collections (special folders that automatically populate based on criteria such as date, keywords, etc) 
  • search metadata (data about the paper) as well as the words and notes within the text of the paper itself
  • automatically names pdf articles to the convention I specify  (I use Last Name-Title-Journal-Year)
  • searches publication databases like PubMed, Google Scholar, and the Web of Science all at the same time from a single unified window
  • allows me to drag and drop PDFs obtained outside of Papers (by email or on the web) into the application–Papers reads the document, retrieves metadata and renames the file to my convention
  • gives me a service to “print to Papers”–Papers reads the document, automatically retrieves metadata and renames the file to my convention
  • allows me to read, highlight, and make notes directly within the application–all of these elements become part of my searchable database
  • allows me to tag each manuscript with personal keywords (that help me better categorize and retrieve information) 
  • accepts (and reads through Optical Character Recognition) scanned documents
  • “Magic Manuscripts” allow me to cite any item in my Papers library in ANY program–and then automatically format a bibliography (like Endnote on steroids)
  • keeps track of the date I imported and / or read a manuscript 
  • synchronizes digital documents, folders, and Smart Collections with my iPad
  • sends references (and their PDF) via email with a single click
  • allows me to share papers with the Papers community

And the list goes on and on. Needless to say, Papers is an essential tool in my software arsenal. In future entries I’ll cover some of the specific ways I use (and enhance) this critical tool.

Download a free 30-day trial of Papers2 (available for Mac and PC) at the Mekentosj Papers web site.