One of the most popular entries on WIPPP has been my 2015 Writing Workflow. My workflow has changed substantially over the last several years. I thought I'd share what I'm currently doing.
Read moreMacSparky Shortcuts Field Guide, iOS13 Edition
Over the years, I tried several times to learn Workflow app. I didn’t have the patience. I’d start experimenting, but invariably, the app would hang, I would get frustrated not knowing what I was doing wrong, and I’d quit. After Apple purchased Workflow and reintroduced it as [Shortcuts](, I knew I was missing out. I tried building a few simple automations but failed.
I have been working on a new website ([HealthHippieMD]( and have a growing need for automating the technology in my life. I knew I had to learn Shortcuts, but given my past experience, I was dreading the process—both the frustration and the time I knew it was going to take.
Read moreDeckset: Rapid Presentation Generation using MarkDown
My workflows have changed since I wrote my entry: “Why I Use Plaintext” in June 2012. The entry was about avoiding the distraction of Microsoft Word and Apple Pages while writing. At the time I wrote the entry there was no Ulysses. Now I use Ulysses for almost all my short-form writing. In 2012, there was no iOS version of Scrivener. Now I use Scrivener for all my long-form writing. Although technology has changed, some things have not. I still dislike bloated software packages that get in the way of my final goal. I still love Plaintext / Markdown.There is another requirement of my job that relies just as heavily on bloated software-presentations. Speeding up the development of a presentation is the focus of this entry.Presentations are used throughout business and academia to transmit ideas. Some influential thinkers, such as Edward Tufte, argue bulleted presentations shouldn’t be used at all. The reality is that presentations are deeply ingrained in business and academia. Many presenters rely too heavily on the glitz offered by the software at the expense of content. It’s easy to get lost in software features—spending hours tweaking backgrounds, transitions, and text placement.Which brings me to Deckset. Deckset is an amazing application for iOS that converts Markdown files into presentations. As this review of Deckset 1 in Macworld says: “It’s designed for the average person who needs to make beautiful slides without the muss and fuss of Keynote or PowerPoint.” With the release of Deckset 2 and its outstanding features, the application has become my go-to application for rapid preparation of presentations. Because Deckset uses Markdown, I find myself concentrating less on making my slides look attractive and more on content. Deckset works seamlessly with Ulysses, allowing me to quickly edit my presentations on my phone, my tablet, or my Mac. (You can use any text editor with Deckset. If you plan to use Ulysses, check out these helpful tips).I recently used Deckset to develop a new 30 minute presentation. I estimate the presentation took about 1/4 the amount of time to develop versus Keynote. The cost for Deckset 2 is $29 (with educational discounts available).Here is a link to the Deckset manual.
Import Evernote into Ulysses
As you can tell from my past posts, I love the app Ulysses. As of this week, Ulysses became even more powerful with the ability to import Evernote files (although not in bulk). Check it out!
Ulysses Now Publishes Directly to Wordpress
Ulysses just keeps getting better. With the latest Ulysses release, you can publish directly to Wordpress (either or your own custom Wordpress site).
Drafts Script to Capture Ideas to Ulysses
As I've mentioned in previous writing, I am a big fan of Ulysses. I now do all of my short writing in Ulysses, so I decided to transition my blog idea script from Drafts->Evernote to Drafts->Ulysses.The script prepends "BlogX" and the current date, erases the Drafts file, then places my new idea in my Ulysses Inbox.In Ulysses, I keep three blog related groups: Ideas, In Process, and Published. I no longer have to take time to move my ideas from Evernote to Ulysses. Instead, each idea is submitted to Ulysses, eliminating entirely the need for Evernote. If you use lUlysses, you can adopt this script for capturing other ideas as well. I hope you find it useful.
Lifehacker Review of
Thorin Klosowski wrote a great review of Ulysses App on Lifehacker. Check it out.
MacWorld Review - Ulysses for iPhone
Macworld has a glowing review for Ulysses for iPhone in the May 2016 issue. I agree with the review, the app dwarfs all other writing programs on iOS. Check out the article and check out the app here.
Importing Microsoft Word files into Ulysses
I subscribe to the newsletter from Soulmen, the makers of my favorite text / markdown writing app, Ulysses. From the newsletter, I learned it is now possible to import Microsoft Word .docx documents. The article said it was possible from any device, but I could only do it using the instructions for iPhone (not on my Mac).In order to import a Word file, it must be in a folder Ulysses can access. Within Ulysses iOS, choose the group where you’d like your imported document to live. Then at the bottom right of screen, choose ‘import’ and select your file. The Word document is converted to MarkdownXL with your formatting intact.Happy writing!
Ulysses for iPhone
Ulysses iOS, Storyist, and Scrivener
I’ve had the pleasure of working with the Ulysses Beta iOS App for iPhone over the last few weeks. As with the Desktop version, everything is very well thought out. The iCloud synchronization works seamlessly. I’m a fan!In a few short weeks, Ulysses iOS app has changed the way I write. For my shorter writing projects (e.g. blog entries, letters, memos, etc.), I no longer need to sync individual text files to a DropBox Folder (as I discussed in this entry). Instead, I dictate my text directly into Ulysses. I can mark up the text on my phone, or wait to return to my desktop. All my text and markdown is synchronized between all my devices.For longer writing projects (e.g. manuscripts and grants), I will continue to use Scrivener with DropBox sync. I impatiently waiting for the iOS version of the app so I can ditch syncing text files. As I was looking to see if there was a projected timeline for release of iOS Scrivener, I found this article by Ricardo Sanchez discussing the integration between Storyist and Scrivener. Storyist sounds like what I’ve been waiting for in a mobile solution for Scrivener. I’ll check Storyist out and report back.
Retrieval, Annotation, and Capture of Highlights (2016)
I have a unique way of processing scholarly information, I am convinced it gives me an advantage when writing grants and manuscripts--allowing me to find specific notes and related information very quickly and efficiently without having to rely purely on memory. I’ve written a bit about this before, but the process has evolved, so I am dedicating an entry to my updated workflow. The software and utlities integral to this workflow are:
- Papers 3
- Keyboard Maestro
- Launchbar
- Ulysses (or any text editor)
- DropBox
- Devonthink
Highlighting in Papers 3Despite lacking the outstanding features of Skim, I am back to reading/highlighting in Papers. I switched back to Papers primarily for synchronization. I do a fair amount of reading on my iPad. Any highlights I make on my Mac become immediately available on iOS. Anyhing I highlight on my iPad shows up on my Mac. Although I prefer Skim, the simplification afforded by doing everything in Papers was irresistable. Here is the manuscript we’ll be working with, highlighted in Papers.Export NotesOnce I’m finished highlighting, it's time to process. Within Papers I go to File->Export->Notes and am provided with the following menu box. (1) I usually choose to save the file to my Desktop, as it needs to be easily accessible for processing. (2) I choose "Selected Papers Only" or you I export notes from my whole collection. (3) I choose Plain Text.
First Stage of Processing the Untitled Notes File on DesktopHere is the untitled notes file saved to my desktop.
Contents of the unprocessed notes File
Keyboard Maestro Script to Add Citation + Link and Save FileI have written two Keyboard Maestro scripts to help process my exported notes. The first script adds metadata to the text of the notes file we just exported, then renames the file using the unique Papers Citation. In order to use my script, in Papers, I make sure the correct paper is highlighted. Next, in the Finder, I select the exported note file. I invoke the script and it prepends the unique Papers Citation followed by a Papers Link to the top of the file.
Keyboard Maestro Script to Add Citation + Link and Save File ContinuedThe script continues on to a save dialogue box where it replaces "Untitled" with the unique Papers Citation. I have to manually remove the curly brackets (as they are disallowed in file naming). I save the file to the Desktop.Download the script here…. You'll have to remove the .txt from the end of the file to use.
Uniquely named Notes File Saved to Desktop.This note I just saved contains ALL of the exported highlights from the manuscript in a single file. As I've talked about in previous entries, I find it more efficient to access a single concept rather than having to dig through an entire papers worth of notes. I developed (along with a few others) a second KM script that copies the Metadata at the top of the note file, parses the single note file into a collection of notes files--one highlight per file, and appends the metadata to each file.Processing highlights in this way has revolutionized my grant and manuscript writing efficiency.Keyboard Maestro Script to Parse Highlights and Append metadata to each note
Download the script here…. You'll have to remove the .txt from the end of the file to use.Moving the FolderI highlight the folder on my Desktop, then double click my Shift Key--this invokes a Launchbar action.
Launchbar Moves FolderUsing Launchbar I move the text notes to the folder where I keep all the extracted highlights from all the manuscripts I'v read.
Ulysses to finish the processAs I've mentioned previously, i use Ulysses extensively in my personal and professional life. I use Ulysses to finish the processing of my highlights, but any text editor will do. (1) Ulysses is pointed to read all the files in my Notes folder--here you see all the individual files extracted from this manuscript. (2) is the text of a single highlight, (3) is the metada added to each file by the KM script. With some notes I will add my own comments, other times, not. (4) are the references that support the statement....these are added manually by reading through the statement and copying each of the corresponding references from the original PDF. I don't go back and forth between the text file and the PDF...instead, I take advantage of Launchbar's Clipboard History.
Launchbar Clipboard HistoryI merely highlight each reference mentioned, then in bulk I paste each of the references into the note.
Appearance of NoteI showed you what this file looked like in Ulysses. Here is its appearance as a free standing text file. Depending on my mood (and time) I may or may not append refernces to each note file.
Copy PDF to Indexed FolderAfter I've processed everything, the last step is to export a copy of my PDF to a location Devonthink can access.
Using Devonthink to Find Concepts and Related InformationYou may aak yourself why I go to such lengths processing the information I read. The answer is Devonthink. I use the "Artificial Intelligence" of Devonthink quite extensively in my writing. As I mentioned, all the processed highlights, copies of PDFs go into a set of folders on Dropbox. I then Index (not import) the information in these folders (1) so they are "seen" by Devonthink. Why is that important? When I conduct a search (2), I can find the idea I'm looking for (3). By clicking on the "See also" function (4) in Devonthink I can see every piece of related information in my scholarly library (5), including things I have previously written. This ability has revolutionized the way I write.
ConclusionIn this entry, I have shown you how I read and process scholarly my annotations from manuscripts. Although the process requires an extra ten minutes or so per manuscript, the payoff is immense.Please comment below.
Ulysses + Papers
The developers of two of my favorite apps, Ulysses and Papers, wrote a blog entry on how to configure everything to maximize the efficiency of scholarly writing. I touched on a few of these topics in previous blog entries.
Taekman Writing Workflow 2015
The early release of Papers 3 got a bad rap, and rightly so. My negative experience began as I imported my Papers 2 library into Papers 3. I had about 2500 papers, but only a fraction of these PDFs were imported properly. I am still recovering from these import problems--having to add each missing PDF by hand. Although importing was a issue early on, The makers of Papers, MekentosJ, now part of Springer Science+Business Media, worked hard to fix problems. I assume, with all the work on Papers, that importing has been fixed. My advice? Back-up your data before trying to import to Papers 3!
Although I had early problems, I can tell you that Papers 3 is pretty robust now. I recently used it to write and submit a full grant. I’ll say the app should be strongly considered if you’re looking for a reference manager / bibliography builder. If you’re interested in some of the changes in Papers 3, check out this entry.
With the release of Papers 3, all files and PDFs are bundled into a single container. Bundling makes syncing across computers more reliable, but indexing of individual files much more difficult. Unfortunatly, my Papers 2 workflow was dependent on indexing of single files. And thus, with the release of Papers 3, I had to revamp my writing workflow. That’s what I’m going to cover in this entry.
My current workflow has three parts: 1.organizing, 2. creating, and 3. writing/formatting
The software I use includes:
Keyboard Maestro
Pages or Word
Part 1: Organizing
Papers 3
Papers is used as my storehouse for all academic literature. I use Keywords and Smart Folders (akin to Smart Playlists in iTunes) to keep my literature sorted. In addition to the topic of each manuscript or book chapter, I use keywords such as "MustRead" that fuel my prioritized reading list. I tend to keep my library sorted by the date in the main window, but can easily search or sort my library in numerous other ways. My library is synchronized using Dropbox.
KeyBoard Maestro
Most people, while reading academic literature, find additional manuscripts they’d like to download. I’ve developed a series of KeyBoard Maestro scripts that simplify the download of these additional articles from Duke’s Library, Pubmed, and Google Scholar. As I’m reading a manuscript, I highlight the article I want to download and invoke my KM script. The macro copies the text string I’ve highlighted, goes to the appropriate web page (e.g. Duke’s Library), pastes the search string into the appropriate box, and hits submit. Thus with two keystrokes, I can find and download new PDFs I’d like to read. The new PDFs are sent to my “Downloads” folder. Then Hazel takes over.
Hazel is a program that watches folders on my computer. When a file matches defined criteria, Hazel performs a script. I have a Hazel script watch for PDFs that contain the word “Reference.” When Hazel sees a file that matches, it launches Papers and imports the file into my library.
Despite the pleasing new main interface, Papers 3 highlighting leaves much to be desired. For reading and annotating scientific literature I use Skim (Skim can designated as the primary PDF reader in the Papers Prefernce menu). Skim has a robust feature set and is customized for academic literature. Oh, and it’s free! When I’m done reading and annotating, I export the Skim annotations to a PlainText file. I then use a KM script to name the the Skim Notes file to my convention.
Using another KM script, I parse the single notes file into separate text files (one for each highlight or annotation). Each file is named to convention and contains the text I highlighted in the manuscript, my own comments, and the full reference. All the individual notes are aggragated into a folder. I move this folder from my Desktop to the cloud so I can access it from anywhere. I call this my Literature Comments Folder. Now I move to Ulysses.
Ulysses is able to read files anywhere on my computer. I’ve configured Ulysses to point to my Literature Comments Folder so all my comments are available in an organized fashion. At this point I can add additional comments to my individual highlight files. The next step is to index the files in Devonthink.
Finally, I open Devonthink. This workflow has matured from what I discussed in this entry. I have a database that is solely used to index my scholarly reading. From the File Menu, I update the index (NOT import) of my Literature Comments Folder. Indexing this folder allows me to take advantage of the “Artificial Intelligence” of Devonthink, finding relevant information throughout my reading.
Part 2: Creating
At this point I’m ready to start developing my scholarly work. I use Tinderbox (in Outline View) to generate a high-level preliminary outline. Tinderbox is a power-user’s application. I’ve only scratched the surface of its capabilities, but find it extremely useful early on to organize thoughts and find connections between what I’ve read and what I hope to write.
From within Devonthink, I review each of my comments. If I find something I want to include, I drag and drop the file (comment, reference, and highlighted text) into Tinderbox. Then, using Devonthink’s “See Also & Classify” command, I see related notes in my Literature Comments Folder . I drag and drop the additional comments into Tinderbox too. As I think of new ideas, it’s not uncommon for me to conduct a freeform search from within Devonthink to see which comments bubble to the top.
Once I have several dozen comments in Tinderbox, I find myself entertaining new thoughts, and often adjusting (or add to) my outline.
Another way I approach the creative process is to surf through interesting comments and move them one by one into Tinderbox without organizing them (usually in the Map View). Once I have a few dozen of these interesting quotes and highlights, I start to see connections between them, letting me further refine and organize my thoughts (and begin to develop and outline).
Once I’m satisfied with my outline, I’ll sometimes export to OmniOutliner for additional organization. But most times, I’ll export my outline directly from Tinderbox to Scrivener.
Part 3: Writing and Formatting
Scrivener is the place where the early versions of my manuscript are built. Scrivener imports OPML files from Tinderbox or OmniOutliner—each bullet of the outline gets its own content field. I do the majority of my early writing in Scrivener, attacking whatever section I feel like writing at the time. I use the Magic Citations of Papers 3 to insert my references as I write. Once I get words down on the screen, I often find myself tweaking the outline in Scrivener. This early phase, when I’m writing on the go, is when I yearn for the iPad version of Scrivener. Until that’s available, I’ll continue to use Scrivener’s synchronization with SimpleNote when I plan to write on my iPad.
When I’ve completed all the sections in my Scrivener outline, I’ll export everything I’ve written to Ulysses. I use Ulysses to edit and rewrite (in Markdown) until I think the work is ready for submission. As I’m importing and editing my paper in Ulysses, I make sure to have the document type set to Markdown (not MarkdownXL). MarkdownXL uses the curly brackets as an internal mark for annotations. If I use MarkdownXL in Ulysses, all of my Papers citations are formatted as footnotes—very annoying.
Word or Pages
I write and edit for several rounds in Ulysses. Ulysses for iPad makes this process more seamless and enjoyable. Unfortunately, when I’m done writing, I cannot format my bibliography in Ulysses. I have to export my file to Word or Pages. That’s okay though, I still have to format my paper. I use an old version of Pages (the new version of Pages still doesn’t allow bibliography formatting). Microsoft Word also works. To do this, I highlight all my text and from the Ulysses Edit Menu I select Copy as RTF (Word), then paste it in the word processing application. After my bibliography is formatted, I format the rest of the paper.
Finally, as the final check of my writing, I use a KM script to read back the text to me. I often find errors, even in this late phase of writing. Finally, I double check everything conforms to required format of the journal (or funding agency) and hit submit.
And there you have it: my writing workflow. As with most of my workflows it is continuously subject to improvement. For the time being this workflow has streamlined my writing. I hope it works for you too.
Ulysses for iPad: Writing Nirvana
I use a great deal of plaintext and markdown in my writing. I’ve cycled through minimalist applications like Byword, iA Writer (and iA Writer Pro). A few years ago, in search of the perfect writing app, I stumbled upon Ulysses. Ulysses has powerful features for writers, but like many of the best applications, it keeps power features out of the way until you really need them. I like the app’s clean interface, how it handles (and emphasizes) markdown in a file, and especially the ability to organize multiple files across devices and cloud services. The Achilles Heel of Ulyesses has historically been its mobile implementation. There was no Ulysses for mobile devices. That is, until this week.
On Thursday, the long awaited iPad version of Ulysses was released. Ulysses for iPad has all the features that make Ulysses for Mac great. Some of you may balk at the price ($19.99 USD), but I believe it is well worth it. Check out my friend, David Sparks' (Macsparky), overview for more information.
In a future entry, I’ll talk about how my writing process has evolved to use Ulysses (in tandem with Papers and Scrivener) to tackle my large academic writing projects.